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  1. The Saint

    No companies in any Beyond cities

    hi. For sure you have a wrong load order. I took a look in my profile with PM , ME and GS and all cities and companies in Beyond are there . Please take a look at GMC Combo and see if something wromg with your load order.
  2. The Saint

    Crash in Manas

    first of all, can you please check your load order according this GMC combo ? https://www.gmc-logistics.co.uk/ultimate-1-52
  3. The Saint

    My game is crashing

    can you please send the game.log file ?
  4. The Saint

    Crash in Manas

    can you please send the game.log file ??
  5. The Saint

    Crash game

    do you have great steppe loaded?
  6. The Saint

    Crash game

    replace Mod "ETS2 AllWorld MAP 3.0 + EAA test" with this https://sharemods.com/xo0puybwmvkf/ETS_AllWorld_MAP_v301.scs.html Download ETS All World MAP v301 scs - Download File ETS All World MAP v301 scs and after verify the game files try and if still problems, report.
  7. The Saint

    Crash game

    please send the game.log file
  8. The Saint

    Update for 1.51?

    because we are already in version 1.52 ... maybe next weekend we have a link to share with the old version 1,51
  9. The Saint

    BEYOND for ATS v2 Officially Released for 1.51

    Changelog: Compatibility for ATS 1.51 Integrated ferry adjustments and Ferry to Texas, Caribbean Ferry Killer and 2. Caribbean-Texas Ferry by VipapkStudios (Credit: Marian) Remove Kamaz truck dealer def and replace it with Mack and Peterbilt Truck dealer from Negril, Pinar Del Rio, Poor Mans...
  10. The Saint

    BEYOND for ETS2 v2 Officially Released for 1.51

    Changelog: Added China's G16 and Xiuyanzhen, China (BigStromboli) Garabogaz Rebuilt with Turkmenistan Border Area Rebuilt (Wafliman) Traffic dangling points fixed (Credit: Marian) New Icons for V2 updated (Credit: Marian) Accurate Manifest and description (Credit: Marian) Ignoring obsolete...
  11. The Saint

    Update for 1.51?

  12. The Saint

    Update for 1.51?

    you must download it from our Discord server , not from the public link
  13. The Saint


    ola. Neste momento não está nos nossos planos .
  14. The Saint

    Crash in North Korea

    by your log file and as long i can see, i must ask you .... it´s your game a otiginal one ?
  15. The Saint

    Update for 1.51?

    we are working on it , we have already beta versions for Patreons.
  16. The Saint

    Crash in North Korea

    hello. Can you please open a ticket in our Discord to our team take a look ? We will need your game.log file
  17. The Saint


    We are talking about two completely different things. Although both are additional to the scs base map, and Terramaps Maps (like the most existing map mods) not require Promods to function but are compatible. The promods maps are in most cases additional changes to the scs base, apart from the...
  18. The Saint

    Beyond Map for ATS 1.50 Official Download

    Description Expand your Truck Sim Today with Beyond for ATS by TerraMaps! This map mod includes a very high quality full of detail of various areas around the Caribbean, Florida, the Pacific, and the South African continent made by expert TerraMaps developers! Enjoy driving in the tropical...
  19. The Saint

    Beyond for ETS2 - (WIP) - Russia

    Road to Asia - ETS2 (WIP) Russia Discord https://discord.gg/TP8u9Z2pgY Instagram https://instagram.com/terr_amaps/ TikTok https://tiktok.com/@terramaps Youtube https://youtube.com/c/ TerraMaps Site https://terramaps.net
  20. The Saint

    BEYOND ? why joined?

    It was a decision by the TM team to combine the two maps, just as we did with the ATS maps. Having just one map for ATS and one map for ETS. In technical terms and map development, it is more practical and future updates will be easier. However, I understand your question and concern.