- Compatibility Update
The downloads are the same as before, you can either do a fast download (Price now $3.50 USD due to increased file size, 3.5GB downloaded at about 1-2 minutes depending on internet speed, all one zip file) or the slow download from ShareMods with ads, including 5 parts. Please consider our fast download option as this helps support directly the TerraMaps projects and helps fund our efforts, business expenses, and server costs.
The load order is simplified, simply place in your mod manager top to bottom 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Ferries are included as well (from RoEx Baku to Turkmenbashi, and from other ports to Dalian, China)
Beyond combines the original TerraMaps Road to Asia and Road to Africa in one map, and future versions will continue to be in Beyond. One map mod from TerraMaps for all of our high-quality areas!
Corfu Map's fate is on hold, for now, awaiting the anticipated SCS release of the Greece DLC. Once Greece DLC releases, we will incorporate Corfu Map's contents into Beyond. Corfu Map for 1.49 is still available for download in our Download Center, but will not work in 1.50/1.51.
Finally, the EULA still applies to Beyond. No resharing is allowed, and no reuploading to other mod reshare sites will be tolerated. Our staff monitors these links and reports and takes them down. Offenders identified will be banned from the server/Patreon/social media outlets. Please support our developers and the hard work we produce by only downloading TerraMaps products from our official link above.
Thank you for everyone's patience and enjoy Beyond for ETS2 by TerraMaps!
Expand Your Truck Sim Today....and Beyond!
Download Link:
- Compatibility Update
The downloads are the same as before, you can either do a fast download (Price now $3.50 USD due to increased file size, 3.5GB downloaded at about 1-2 minutes depending on internet speed, all one zip file) or the slow download from ShareMods with ads, including 5 parts. Please consider our fast download option as this helps support directly the TerraMaps projects and helps fund our efforts, business expenses, and server costs.
The load order is simplified, simply place in your mod manager top to bottom 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Ferries are included as well (from RoEx Baku to Turkmenbashi, and from other ports to Dalian, China)
Beyond combines the original TerraMaps Road to Asia and Road to Africa in one map, and future versions will continue to be in Beyond. One map mod from TerraMaps for all of our high-quality areas!
Corfu Map's fate is on hold, for now, awaiting the anticipated SCS release of the Greece DLC. Once Greece DLC releases, we will incorporate Corfu Map's contents into Beyond. Corfu Map for 1.49 is still available for download in our Download Center, but will not work in 1.50/1.51.
Finally, the EULA still applies to Beyond. No resharing is allowed, and no reuploading to other mod reshare sites will be tolerated. Our staff monitors these links and reports and takes them down. Offenders identified will be banned from the server/Patreon/social media outlets. Please support our developers and the hard work we produce by only downloading TerraMaps products from our official link above.
Thank you for everyone's patience and enjoy Beyond for ETS2 by TerraMaps!
Expand Your Truck Sim Today....and Beyond!
Download Link:
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