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I've got a problem with Beyond by Terramaps Mod (ETS2)


New member
Oct 21, 2024
Reaction score
Recently (since 1.52 was released) I downloaded the new Beyond by Terramaps version for 1.52 of ETS2. Before using this version Terramaps didn't upload the 1.51 version, (I suppose they were waiting for the 1.52 to be released because the 1.51 didn't last too long) so i've used the 1.50 version before, and everything worked perfectly (on that version). When I downloaded the newer version of this mod for the recently updated ETS2 everything worked well until I put the 5 mods on. I already have another mods such as the ProMods ones but there weren't any issue before (on the 1.50 version). But now I got an error when I switch on the Terramaps ones (screenshot attached), but ONLY if I turn those on. I've tried playing without them and everything works at it's best, the problem comes when I put the Terramaps on.

¿Could somebody help me please?

(For non-spanish speakers)
It says: LOAD GAME. No manual save was found. It has occurred a problem with the saved game (in red). Saved game couldn't be loaded.

Also below you can see that I got turned the autosaves on , son there's literally no way that I don't have any game saved. I don't know what's happening.

And if you're wondering: YES, I have other games saved that I could use to load but they don't appear there, it's like they disapear when I enter the Terramaps mods.
Ive deleted COMPLETELY the game, and reinstalled it. I've deleted all my games saves and created another ones but nothing works. It's just like the saved have disapeared.


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